We are a small in home play based program for children ages 18 months to 4 years old. We provide a nurturing home away from home environment where your child will have the opportunity to learn healthy social skills, do fun activities and make friends. To nurture the well being of the growing child, we offer a healthy balance of focused activities and imaginative free play. Our program offers a rich experience for your little one which includes Painting and Crafting, Baking, Ring Time with joyful Movement and Singing, Finger Games and Nursery Rhymes, Story Time with Puppetry, and Outdoor Play Garden. We also care for our play space, toys and the things we use by having a washing and mending day, which includes tidying up and polishing. The children love and thrive doing household arts, learning to work together. Because the child finds meaning in their environment and the work being done around them, they develop an active willingness to participate out of their own inclination and natural tendency toward imitation. Imitation is the key to early childhood education: 'it is the most creative, inspired, and free process of learning which can exist for the young child'.
Our philosophy:
We believe that in the nursery school years, children learn primarily through play, free movement and their innate ability to imitate all that surrounds them. The teacher strives to offer an environment that allows the child to unfold his or her potential in a healthy and unhurried manner. This allows the child to learn and become truly social through empathetic guidance and supportive rhythms.
The classroom is facilitated by Ms. Indira, an experienced Waldorf teacher in a carefully maintained environment filled with beauty and warmth. Hand-made toys and natural play materials are used as they nourish the young child's developing senses and provide stimulus for creative play.
“The task of the early childhood teacher is to adapt the practical activities of daily life so that they are suitable for the child’s imitation through play. The activities of children in the classroom must be derived from life itself rather than being ‘thought out’ by the intellectualized culture of adults. In the classroom, the most important thing is to give children the opportunity to directly imitate life itself.”
- Rudolf Steiner from “The Child’s Changing Consciousness”
Golden Day Nursery School is a non profit. We strive to offer an accessible Waldorf based educational program to children of all economic situations. Our school offers scholarships for low income families and partial tuition assistance to families, as well as sibling discounts. As part of our community contribution of service, we have ongoing parent education classes, circles and child development enrichment opportunities including:
*Halloween Enchantment and Winter Spiral
*Wee Little's Puppet Theater and crafting
*Mothering Arts Circle
*Family Playgroups
*Kids Story Book Yoga
*Simplicity Parenting Series
*Summertime craft projects for children at community booths in local farmers markets, art walks and street fairs.
Golden Day Nursery School
is officially recognized by the Children's
Environmental Health Network as an endorsed
Eco-Healthy Child Care® program.